In this weekly series, host Christopher Holmes, ASEAN Editor at Large at Foundry, talks with leading CIOs, exploring the leadership, innovation and business strategy topics of the day.
Aswin T. Utomo, Senior Vice President of Engineering and Chief of Staff Technology at Tokopedia, talks about leading and managing innovation.
Andri Hidayat, Digital Service Transformation & IT Director at PT Prodia Widyahusada, Indonesia, talks about leading digital transformation in the clinical laboratory business in Indonesia.
Arvind Gupta, Head of the Digital India Foundation, talks about driving social change through technology and scaling digital.
Aries Suswendi, Co-Founder and CIO, AllNorth Digital Inc., talks about digital transformation: how to get started, how to keep the project alive and key learnings.
CIO Leadership Live with Sharon Ng, MF CIO & Cluster Director, GovTech Singapore, talks to us about leadership, driving digital change, and managing new technology.
Mel Migrino, Chairman and President of Women in Security Alliance Philippines, talks to us today about security in the modern IT organisation, introducing security to industrial operations and embedding security practices in ongoing innovation projects.
Frankie Shuai, Former Director Cyber and Technology Risk at UBS, talks with host Christopher Holmes about becoming a tech leader, technology management and leading people in uncertain times.
Bell Procurement Management Chief Operations Officer Patricia Druken on making the jump from a CTO role at a large financial institution to joining a start-up, thoughts on adopting new technology, and building the team.