The four-way test is a set of guiding principles that every member of Rotary, an international service organization, can recite. The test is an adaptive process that considers everyone’s point of view. The process is designed to build goodwill and earn trust so a particular result is mutually beneficial, sustainable, and has scalable outcomes.
As a Rotarian and the person responsible for the content at FutureIT Chicago on June 22, I couldn’t help but see some commonalities in the attributes of the amazing IT leaders I have the honor to speak with and the four rules of Rotary. If you are available to attend FutureIT Chicago, you will see what I mean when impactful IT leaders share their experiences, leadership philosophies, and key recommendations that you won’t hear anywhere else.
Here are some sneak peeks into what will be discussed and the connections I see to the four-way test.
- Is it the truth? Grace Trinidad, Research Director, Future of Trust, IDC will address this first question head on. Trust is emerging as the number one factor in the acceptance of automation, in AI and ML, and in customer retention and business growth – but what does it mean? Grace will provide insights into how trust has changed and what needs to be done to maintain a trustworthy business.
- Is it fair to all concerned? Christopher Boone from AbbVie will be talking about navigating the AI landscape and where to invest for the greatest returns. Chris will provide a strategy to define pilot projects and outcomes, how to move from pilot programs with a clear business case, and when to shut down projects while staying true to your corporate culture.
- Will it build goodwill and better friendships? IT staff see themselves as problem solvers. So how do you ensure that your IT team follows your rules and policies when asked to do something by a product owner without making enemies throughout the organization? Sabina Ewing from Abbott will address this and more in a candid panel discussion covering critical issues facing IT leaders in a volatile world.
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Digital transformation is an evolution. Swati Shah from TransUnion will share how she guides her team and organization on that journey by focusing on customer and employee experience.
This program is free for qualified attendees. Register here to spend the day with Chicago’s leading lights of IT.